The Mornings of Distribution 2020 by Fund Globam

The Mornings of Distribution 2020 by Fund Globam

  • November 5, 2020
  • 8:50 to 10:50
  • Live broadcast on

Les Matinales de la Distribution is a conference dedicated to the development of the international distribution of investment funds.

The theme of this fifth edition will be: "Sustainable investment: towards a more ethical model":Sustainable investment as a response to the new demands of investors to face the major climatic, social and economic challenges of our society.

IZNES aura l’opportunité lors d’une table ronde sur le thème de la Distribution et de l’Investissement Durable de traiter ces différentes questions : What trends can be seen across distribution channels? What is the appetite of distributors for sustainable funds? New technologies and sustainable investment? Are new technologies said to be sustainable?

For more information:

Program of the event
  • 8:50 AM 
    Opening of the conference
  • 8:55 AM
  • 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
    Round Table “Décryptage des grands divers”
  • 9:30 AM – 9:55 AM
    Round Table “Fonds durables : nouveaux leviers de croissance ?”
  • 9:55 AM – 10:25 AM
    Round Table “Intérêt des investisseurs pour les fonds durables”
  • 10:25 AM – 10:50 AM
    Round Table “Distribution et investissement durable”
  • 10:50 AM
    Closing of the conference
Our speakers

Christophe Lepitre

I am participating!
