Webinar Lab UC - Savings: the opportunities opened up by the platformization of services
- June 16, 2022
- 9:00 am
- Live stream
The movement towards platformization, which has already profoundly restructured several business sectors, is also at work in the savings sector. The development of digital solutions and offshoring are absorbing entire areas of activity, from order placement to reporting and due diligence. New technologies and new players are opening up new opportunities.
What offers can emerge? Served by which actors? Through which types of partnerships or developments?
This Webinar is organized by the Lab UC on an initiative of SeaBird and its partners Amundi Technology, Iznes, and Mfex.
The UC Lab is a collective of ideation and innovation on the Units of Account proposed by SeaBird with its partners: Amundi Technology, Aramis, Iznes, Mfex, NeoXam, Quantalys and Vermeg.
For more information and registration: https://app.livestorm.co/seabirdconseil/plateformisation-des-services-en-epargne-qui-pour-franchir-la-nouvelle-frontiere?type=detailed
Christophe Lepitre