Press Release of January 13th, 2021
- January 13, 2021
- Posted by: Noémie Socha
- Category: Press Release

Generali et le Groupe APICIL entrent au capital d’IZNES, plateforme paneuropéenne d’achat et de vente d’OPC[1] utilisant la technologie blockchain.
Created in 2017 by a consortium of six management companies, IZNES is now backed by two new renowned investors: Generali and the APICIL Group, via its dedicated fund Insurtech Capital.
They become respectively the first insurer and the first social protection group to enter IZNES capital.
This strategic partnership accelerates the development of a new blockchain ecosystem for processing UCI transactions.
Thanks to this capital increase and the acquisition of stakes by these two major players, IZNES is accelerating its development in France, Luxembourg and Ireland.
For Generali, the French leader in the third-party savings market, this strategic partnership strengthens its leadership in the open-architecture life insurance market and confirms its desire to invest in innovative structures in order to participate in their development.
For the APICIL Group, this investment enables it to develop a strategic and a financial partnership, in line with its innovation strategy. Its dedicated fund Insurtech Capital aims to invest in Fintech, WealthTech and Insurtech at the beginning of their development.
Generali and the APICIL Group also will become users of the IZNES platform in the coming months, in order to optimise the processing and cost of their unit-linked operations.
All the partners of IZNES share the ambition to make it an essential platform.
IZNES, the first pan-European platform for processing UCI transactions in blockchain technology
IZNES offre une solution complète, à disposition des sociétés de gestion et de leurs clients investisseurs, depuis l’entrée en relation jusqu’à la tenue de registre.
The use of IZNES' blockchain technology, without recourse to bank intermediaries, facilitates access to funds, reduces transaction costs and provides an optimal level of security for institutional investors and management companies.
Since its operational launch in March 2019, this integrated solution within the Asset Servicers ecosystem has been very successful and IZNES has already processed more than €15 billion of transactions by the end of December 2020.
They said :
Rémi Cuinat, director of unit-linked assets at Generali France : " Le groupe Generali a construit en Europe une position de leadership en s’appuyant sur un modèle de distribution d’assurance-vie en architecture ouverte. Ce modèle riche et complexe est industrialisé, mais IZNES offre une solution permettant d’optimiser les flux et les coûts à l’actif tout en maîtrisant le risque opérationnel. Generali est très heureux de participer au développement de ce nouvel écosystème “.
Pasquale Tuosto, Director of New Business Ventures at Generali France : "By acquiring a stake in IZNES, Generali is confirming its desire to make profitable investments in innovative start-ups on the market, characterised by a strong technological component that also enables it to transform and accelerate its business."
Chloé Pruvot, Investment Director of the APICIL Group : "In the search for optimisation in terms of deadlines and security of our UC operations processes and also cash management, we are particularly interested in the IZNES solution."
Minh Q. Tran, Managing Partner of Mandalore Partners, manager of the Insurtech capital fund : " We invest in Fintech, WealthTech and Insurtech to develop industrial partnerships with our (co-)investors. IZNES is an innovative solution that enables the APICIL group to combine industrial and financial benefits."
Christophe Lepitre, CEO of IZNES : " Ces deux grands groupes d’assurance et de protection sociale sont convaincus par le modèle d’IZNES, et souhaitent utiliser la plateforme pour leurs opérations en unités doperations. The simplicity of the KYC[2]the quality of the repository and the cost reduction were the reasons for their decision."
IZNES was born out of the desire to create the first international platform for buying and selling European UCIs in blockchain on behalf of institutional and retail clients, compatible with the different marketing channels. IZNES was created in 2017 by six management companies (Ofi AM, Groupama AM, La Banque Postale AM, Lyxor, Arkéa IS and La Financière de l'échiquier).
Using blockchain technology, the platform can be used very easily to buy and sell units of funds directly from/to asset management companies, while offering the highest standard of security.
IZNES was authorised as an investment firm in June 2020.
Today, Generali France is one of the leading insurers in France, offering a complete range of insurance solutions (health, provident, assistance, property and liability), asset savings and asset management to more than 7.4 million people. Established in France since 1832, Generali France relies on the know-how and expertise of its 9,000 employees and its networks of commercial intermediaries, agents, brokers and partners to be a partner to its customers throughout their lives. As a company committed to a global CSR approach, Generali France supports its clients in their efforts to achieve a more responsible, sustainable and inclusive economy through solutions that are perfectly in line with the social and environmental challenges of today's world.
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Generali is one of the largest global insurance and asset management providers. Established in 1831, it is present in 50 countries in the world with total premium income of more than € 69.7 billion in 2019. With nearly 72,000 employees serving 61 million customers, the Group has a leading position in Europe and a growing presence in Asia and Latin America. Generali’s ambition is to be the Lifetime Partner to its customers, offering innovative and personalized solutions thanks to an unmatched distribution network.
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The APICIL Group, France's 3rd largest social protection group with €3.2 billion in turnover, offers a complete range of high-performance, tailored solutions in health and welfare, savings and financial services, as well as pensions for individuals and professionals. Every day, the Group's 2,176 employees bring their expertise to more than 47,000 companies and 2 million protected policyholders. With its members, the Group supports its customers as closely as possible to their expectations by meeting their needs, from the most general to the most specific (disability, construction and public works, etc.) and at all stages of their lives. The APICIL Group is an equal opportunities employer and mutual insurance company that supports general interest causes and thus contributes to the advancement of major social projects.
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Insurtech Capital est un fonds d’investissement géré par Mandalore Partners.
Our mission is to de-risk insurance innovation with strategic and impact investments in the most promising technology startups to match the new innovation programs of insurance companies.
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Mandalore Partners est spécialisé dans l’innovation-as-a-service. En tant que créateur d’actifs pour les entreprises, nous réduisons le risque d’innovation grâce à des investissements stratégiques et d’impact en nous associant dans des entreprises technologiques innovantes adaptées aux programmes d’innovation de nos partenaires.
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Press contacts :
– IZNES : Christophe Lepitre – [email protected]
– Generali France : Laurie Bonneville – [email protected] –
– Groupe : Philippe Hassel – [email protected] –
– Mandalore Partners : [email protected]
[1] Undertakings for Collective Investment.
[2] The KYC (Know Your Customer) is a mandatory procedure established by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) which consists for companies to collect and verify information relating to the identity and integrity of their customers and partners. The objective of this procedure is to prevent and avoid all risks of fraud, money laundering and financing of terrorist activities (AML-FT).