IZNES: facilitating financial investments in Europe

Article posted by BFM Business

According to a France Invest (Association des Investisseurs pour la Croissance) and EY report on the net performance of French private equity players (private equity and infrastructure funds), published on June 22, 2022, fund investments made over 15 years have never been so strong and successful despite the crises. A reassuring resilience for players in the sector, particularly for the company IZNES, which mobilizes blockchain and financial expertise to facilitate investments in European funds.

A marketplace in short channel

"We have built a market place operated on blockchain technology for fund shares, based on the fact that investing in a fund for an individual or a professional is complicated," says Christophe Lepitre, CEO of IZNES. IZNES réunit les acheteurs de parts de fonds que sont les investisseurs et les producteurs de fonds que sont les sociétés de gestion pour fluidifier, sécuriser et faciliter les transactions. La solution permet en réduisant le nombre d’intermédiaires, d’optimiser les coûts, les délais et les échanges d’informations. Cette place de marché en circuit court garantit ainsi la qualité,la fiabilité et l’unicité des données échangées.

A fully digital solution for real asset funds and a tool for export

At a time when European products are globally standardized and regulated, "it is very surprising to see on certain types of funds such as real estate, private debt or private equity, which are very popular with investors, investment processes that are totally manual or even paper-based " says the CEO.

Although France now has a large number of management companies, all of them face difficulties difficulties in exporting, in particular for entrepreneurial management companies, which are often very talented.

“IZNES wishes to facilitate their access to foreign investors", says Christophe Lepitre

The marketplace is also open to individuals, giving them access to a range of funds that meet their savings needs, regardless of the type of product they choose (life insurance, retirement savings products). "Many individuals are also looking for an alternative to the historical players to subscribe to funds. As for management companies, they are seeking to develop this clientele in direct.", concludes the CEO of IZNES.

According to the France Invest report, the growth in distributions, i.e. capital redistributed to investor clients, is +91% at the end of 2021 vs. 2020. A fast-growing market in the process of adopting new technologies.

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