The IZNES Platform

IZNES is a pan-European investment platform for UCI units and Blockchain record-keeping compatible with all distribution channels.

THE ENTIRE process of subscription and redemption of fund units in a single, interoperable platform in real time.

Services in line with market needs

Product Referential

Complete product database benefiting from all the characteristics and documents.


Order Book

Real-time view of subscriptions and redemptions, with respect for prospectus cut-off hours.



Recordkeeping updated in real time registered in blockchain , guaranteeing
immutability, traceability and auditability.

Simplification of the relationship between investors and management companies

Client Files

Simplified, shared and secure management of information and documents making up the customer file.



Real-time tracking of customizable and exportable activity.


Secure Messaging

Embedded messaging service facilitating communication between users (notifications, letters to bearers)


IZNES receives and transmits investor orders, on the one hand, and centralization, issuance and account maintenance tasks on behalf of management companies, on the other.

Thanks to its disruptive model, IZNES eliminates the financial counterparty risk. Indeed, the assets are directly entered in the fund register.

Using IZNES for the placing of subscription and redemption orders for fund units allows investors and management companies to have an end-to-end supervised system fully compliant with European regulatory requirements.

Order Book

The IZNES platform provides an order book that offers a real-time view of subscriptions and redemptions while respecting all the terms and conditions (cut-off, minimums, etc.).

Asset Management companies can access in real time a list of all orders placed by their investors on their funds and they can also access the history of all past transactions. In the book, you can not only access the list of all orders placed, but also all the details of each order.


Registrar for record-keeping

A register stored on the Blockchain and updated in real time guarantees immutability and traceability.

The record keeping at fund or fund unit level is a list made up of legal entities and natural persons holding units of these products. Basic information on unitholders is thus available to management companies. As an asset management company, you can therefore select one or more funds from your list of products and find out which investors are among your clients for these funds.

Product Referential

The IZNES platform makes different UCI units available as products. On our platform, management companies have access which allows them to reference funds and their units. This module makes it possible to manage the product repository, in particular it makes it possible to update the characteristics of the products and the associated documents as well as the net asset value of the fund units. The funds can be stand-alone or with multiple compartments.

In order for an investor to access the product catalog of a management company, he must complete a KYC form which must then be examined on the one hand by the IZNES team and its partner Deloitte Solutions (D.KYC) and on the other hand by the management company. After reviewing the KYC form, the management company has the option of accepting, rejecting the request or requesting more information via the IZNES platform.


Corporate Actions

IZNES enables its users to have efficient management of securities transactions. In particular, it allows dividends to be distributed, mergers and absorption operations as well as nominal divisions, but also to inform investors of any changes to the products.

Our platform makes it possible to carry out different types of securities transactions and the associated administrative documents are automatically generated.



IZNES allows you to manage your team, including the access levels of each user. Indeed, several groups can be formed in order to give different roles to the users defined by the customer.

The IZNES platform allows you to manage your users in two different ways. Either, you can form teams and give permissions to teams. Either, you can give permissions directly to each user. The administrator will be the first person invited to join IZNES. You can view all the teams and export this in csv format. Users can be assigned to several different teams. Additionally, you can update teams by adding or removing users.


Operational Support

IZNES has a dedicated team to assist and support you when using the application. We are at your disposal to explain how the IZNES application works and also when you encounter problems with the application.

IZNES keeps track of your experience with our application. Our Product team and our Tech team are also able to answer your requests and solve your problems on a daily basis.

Traceability & GDPR

IZNES archives the data of its users and operations carried out in a secure manner in accordance with general data protection regulations. In addition, this data can be audited in accordance with regulations.

IZNES is subject to certain confidentiality and secrecy obligations and, therefore, the data we process is also subject to these same obligations. We treat your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and we reserve the right to provide access to your data to administrations and governments, courts, financial supervisory authorities, third party custodians as well as auditors or legal advisers. Finally, we can give access to it to third party subcontractors who process personal data on behalf of IZNES. The collection of your data allows us to perform the contract to which you are a signatory, to meet legal or additional obligations, in particular through our KYC procedure in order to fight against tax fraud and money laundering and to ensure the traceability of financial transactions.



The IZNES platform can be used directly via our website or via the REST API, which allows management companies to combine portfolio management software with the IZNES application.
Our platform aims to be interoperable with all market players. This in order to make IZNES an application that can be integrated very easily into your systems.

The IZNES API allows its users to interact with many features of the IZNES platform. Indeed, via the IZNES API, you can access all of your products. In addition, for management companies, it is possible to manage the net asset values of their products. It is obviously possible to make transactions via the IZNES API. Indeed, you can carry out transactions by specifying the amount or quantity, the date if you want the transaction to be deferred as well as other parameters. It is also possible to cancel transactions before the cut-off directly via the API.


IZNES uses Blockchain technology. It is a private Blockchain with a dedicated proprietary protocol. This technology allows for 30,000 transactions per second and to administer 100,000,000 accounts simultaneously.

It also consumes little energy. No cryptocurrency and no coins are exchanged, the Blockchain is only used to store data.

Blockchain technology has several advantages. Indeed, it is private and it does not contain crypto-currencies. The settlement of transactions is carried out directly in commercial currencies. In addition, the transactions are not validated by a Proof Of Work and therefore there is no mining. Instead, our Blockchain uses a Proof Of Authority. Among other things, the use of a Proof Of Authority allows the Blockchain to consume little energy.

Blockchain is a new technology that allows its users to access a secure and unalterable system. There are public blockchains like Bitcoin and others that are private.

IZNES uses Blockchain technology. It is a private Blockchain that does not require the use of coins. This Blockchain is the heart of our application and it is used to record all information relating to users and transactions carried out immutable. This Blockchain technology provides on the one hand the security expected of a Blockchain while being reserved only for IZNES users.

Blockchain technology allows us to have a secure system that is unique to IZNES. Our Blockchain works by consensus using the Proof Of Authority. The subscription to a unit is made via a Smart Contract which allows the act of subscription to be sealed. Obviously, certain conditions must be met in order for the Smart Contract to be executed. In particular, an investor must be authorized by the management company holding the fund to subscribe to it. Blockchain technology is made up of several nodes with different functions. In particular, there are validation nodes, portfolio nodes and reporting nodes. The validation nodes constitute the heart of the IZNES system and allow validation of the different blocks containing the transactions carried out. The wallet nodes provide read or write access to the Blockchain while the reporting nodes allow specific data storage.

Use Case example : Life-Insurance

To reduce its costs and optimise its operational processes,
Generali places part of the orders of its unit-linked life insurance contracts on IZNES.